Feedback Strategies

      (Image Information: TAG Feedback created by Mari Venturino)

     While it is important to understand the necessity of receiving feedback, it is also important to know how to give feedback that is beneficial and encouraging. Some articles provided interesting insight to this concept.

1. The Trouble with "Amazing": Giving Praise that Matters

     "Amazing" is over used. It doesn't mean as much any more, because people say it to anything and everything. It also doesn't relay anything super important, as it is not the most descriptive word utilization. Additionally, this article writes about how it looks more about the person, and not the effort. It's important to be specific and provide good and detailed feedback that relates directly to the work in front of you.

2. Be a Mirror

     In regards to the growth mindset, students often reflect what their teachers, parents, or friends are saying. If someone is fixed in their benefits about learning or growing, the students feel like that is the right thing to do. It is important to focus the feedback on the effort and the results, which is like being a mirror. Mirrors reflect back what is there without judgement, and feedback should be the same. 
