Feedback is essential. It allows us to grow and mature, in all areas of life. Feedback is critical, but so is how you give it. Constructive criticism is necessary to develop and improve, but negativity and rude statements are not good for anything.
Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head
While feedback from others is super important, it is also important that you trust yourself. Often times, it is easy to give into self doubt and not trust your writings or your instinct. Evaluate feedback from others, but ultimately, rely on yourself and your own thoughts. Do not give in to negative voices in your head. Hold your head high, and be grateful for the positive feedback from others. Some studies reveal that "we need five positive voices for every one negative voice we carry around in our heads." This means that if you receive negative feedback or someone says something in a rude tone, look for the positive and dig into that! Believe the praise you're given.
Why rejection hurts so much - and what to do about it
Rejection can come in all shapes and sizes, and it hurts. Whether it is rejection on a large scale of not getting the award or job, or even daily rejection like a friend not texting you back, rejection can put a dampener on the day. Although, often times we magnify rejection and make it worse than it is. This is how our brains are wired, but one way to combat this is not giving into self criticism. Most rejections aren't personal, so it is important to remind yourself of your value and worth.
I typically appreciate feedback, but I can't say I always enjoy it. I recognize the importance and necessity of it, but constructive feedback or rejections can be painful. This is an important reminder to focus on the good of feedback, and not let the negative thoughts of others influence you!
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