(Image Information: Growth Mindset Meme from Engagetheirminds)
For this extra credit assignment, I read advice from other students. While many quotes were enlightening or things I agreed with, these two stuck out in particular.
1. "A strategy that I employed during my freshman year was saying yes to any opportunity I had even a vague interest in doing. It really helped me make friends, learn to be uncomfortable, and realize the things I did and did not like to do."
This is important, especially because you learn so much about yourselves and others if you just say "yes." I particularly employed this in adding a Letters major, merely because I love the humanities and it's a different avenue of learning and thinking.
2. "I've always like the word run. When we get negative feedback, let's take it in stride. We accomplished something that received feedback. We have the potential to make it better, to do better.R-Rejoice
This one immediately caught my eye when I saw the word "run," because I did cross country and track growing up. Running is so fun, but can be challenging and painful, so I appreciated the acronym this author made. I will strive to keep it in mind and progress through negative feedback.
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