Microfiction: COVID Changes (Week 2 Extra Credit)

Waking up, going through a normal day, but having it quickly change at night. It was a few minutes before tip-off. I was at a meeting, preparing to sneak glances at the game on my phone. It was then that that the world began to change, and how odd, that it would change due to an event in my city, a small big city in the middle of the country. But change it did, and change will remain. I remember the shock and frantic texts being sent - a NBA game cancelled? Trump calling to shut the border for international travel? 
NBA Bubble at Disney, Image from Wikipedia

Seek the good, in all things. 
Author's Note
     I just felt like there is so much to write about regarding COVID ... the positive, the negative, the unexpected, the shock, the use of technology to facilitate communication, and the list could go on and on. I vividly remember the Thunder/Jazz game and the feelings of shock as it was cancelled. COVID was raging in other parts of the world, but we almost felt untouched here. Until COVID entered the Chesapeake Energy Arena, and the world started shutting down. 
