Reading Notes: Ancient Egyptian Myths and Stories, Part A

Story source: Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie (1907).

(Image Information: The god Ra


1. Creation

     * Ra was greater than Nu

* divine father, ruler of the gods, "bade the earth and the heavens to rise out of the waste of water"

* Seb = earth god

* Nut = goddess of the firmament

^^ parents of Osiris and his consort Isis, and Set and his consort Nepthys

* Shu (the uplifter) formed the vault which is arched over Seb (god of the earth)

2. The Secret Name of Ra

     * Isis desired to have equal power with Ra, so she wanted to know his secret game

* Isis followed Ra, and she made Ra's saliva become a venomous snake

* the snake she created was invisible to gods and men, and the serpent stung Ra one night

* Ra was dying and Isis felt no sorrow 

* Ra gave her his secret name and vanished, and then he was made whole when Isis received the secret name

3. Ra and Hathor

* Ra gained knowledge of threats spoken against him

* so he addressed the gods and repented and he wanted to save man

4. The Sun's Journey

     * Nut said she must dwell in heaven

* Ra spoke to the earth god, Seb, and also called forth the god Thoth

5. Osiris

    * Osiris ruled over Egypt after Ra ascended into heaven

* he made good and binding laws and judged with wisdom, leading to peace

* Isis was queen consort of Osiris, and was very wise

* Osiris served as a father to his people

* Set was jealous of his brother

6. The Death of Osiris

* people rejoiced with Osiris returned from his mission

* he brought a decorated chest 

* Set sprang a trap and the feast was "broken up in confusion" and there was mourning for Osiris

* Isis was upset and Set ascended the throne     

7. The Journey of Isis

     * Isis gave birth to Horus, but Set made them prisoners

* Set wanted to put Horus to death so he wouldn't be a threat, but Thoth warned Isis and she fled with her child

8. King of the Dead

      * Set persecuted those who followed Osiris and Isis

* Horus grew into a strong and brave warrior

* he had a vision of his father and "vowed" to drive his uncle and those who support him out of Egypt

* Osiris was "imbued with life once again"

9. The Wax Crocodile

     * Pharaoh told the crocodile to go to the lake, and the scribe touched it and it became wax

* this was a tale told by Khufu

10. The Greek Jewel

     * Sneferu was weary and desired to be entertained

* this was another tale by Khafra, and the King wanted the offerings to be laid in Sneferu's tombs
