Reading Notes: Ancient Egyptian Myths and Stories, Part B

Story source: Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie (1907).

1. The Two Brothers: Part One

* two brothers, same parents; Anpu = elder; Bata = younger

* Bata lived in Anpu and his wife, and Anpu cared for him like he was his son 

* Bata plowed the field and harvested the grain

* Bata is applauded and praised by "the woman"

* Anpu became angry and grabbed his dagger to slay Bata

2. The Two Brothers: Part Two

* the ox spoke to Bata and told him his brother wanted to kill him

* the younger brother cried to Ra and he heard his cry

* placed a stream with crocodiles between the two brothers

* Bata cut off a piece of his flesh

* Bata left and his brother returned home

3. The Two Brothers: Part Three

* Bata went to hunt

* the sea spirit pursued his wife

* messengers were sent to the land; Bata slew the flowering acacia, and the king did not know

* so the king kept sending messengers

4. The Two Brothers: Part Four

* Bata was a bull and Anpu sat on his back

* Bata told his wife it was him, and she was afraid

* the king sat by her at the feast and loved her

* Bata follows her

* Bata became the new king and reigned for thirty years

5. The Book of Thoth: Part One

* Ahura = wife of Kefer-ka-ptah

* child = Merab

* Nefer-ka-ptah read "worthless writings" and was eager in questions

6. The Book of Thoth: Part Two

* called a priest of Isis and they made a magin box

* Nefer sank the magic cabin in the river

* saw a snake that was immortal

* bronze box - called for a new piece of papyrus and cup of beer and wrote spells - Book of Thoth

7. The Book of Thoth: Part Three

* Thoth discovered he lost his book and raged

* he asks Ra to avenge him, and he tells Thoth he may do whatever he likes

* the little boy was drowned, but Nefer's spell book raised him and the child told him Thoth was seeking venegance

* Thoth's vengeance was fulfilled, and the book stayed with Nefer

8. The Tale of King Rhampsinitus

* monarch R build western portion of the temple, and made statues to the summer and the winter

* very wealthy king, and had a chamber built for his treasure

* his riches had been plundered, but the seals on the door weren't broken

* he hired donkeys and put wine on their backs and drove them to the palace

* king was angry when he heard the robber tricked the guards

* so the king used his daughter as bait

(Image Information: Apis Bull on Coffin from Wikipedia)
