Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).
1. Scheherazade
* Sultan Schahriar loved his wife more than anything, and he delighted in surrounding her with the finest gifts and jewels
* she had deceived him, so he had to put her to death
* every evening, he married a new wife and had her strangled the next morning
* this caused great horrors in the town
* the grand-vizir had two daughters and one was indistinguishable, but the other was clever and courageous
* the eldest daughter told him she wanted to stop the practice of the Sultan's
* she requests to become the Sultan's bride
* the grand-vizir obliged his daughter, and she had a plan to try to reverse this terrible practice
2. The Story of the Merchant and the Genius
* merchant who was very wealthy, but had to take journeys to arrange his affairs
* on the fourth day of his journey, he found a fountain of fresh water
* a genius cried and came at him with a scimitar, saying he'd kill him because he killed his son
* the merchant questioned him, and said he did not even know his son
* the merchant killed the son unintentionally, but the man still wants to kill him
* this kept Scheherazade alive, as the Sultan wanted to hear the finished story
* the merchant asked for a year's grace, and that after that year, he'd turn himself in
3. The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind
* old man and his wife had no children so they adopted the son of one of their favorite slaves
* but the wife didn't like the mother or child
* she studied magic to carry out a scheme to turn the son into a calf, and the slave into a cow
* when he returned from his journey, she said she had not seen his son
* to celebrate the feast of Bairam eight months later, he asked for a cow to be sacrificed, and it was his slave
* he saw the cow crying and asked for another, but the wife made the steward kill that cow
* the calf was also brought, but not killed
4. The Story of the Second Old Man, and of the Two Black Dogs
* eldest brother said he'd travel to foreign countries for merchandise sake
* the second brother wished to sell his business and travel, and joined a caravan
* divided six thousand sequins, and buried some in the corner of the house
* bought a vessel, and set forth
* did trade after two months of sailing
5. The Story of the Fisherman
* old and poor fisherman couldn't support his wife and kids
* said he would not throw his nets more than four times a day
* thought fortune was trifling with him
* the fourth time he cast his nets he hit a yellow pot, sealed with lead
* a genie appeared
6. The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban
* Greek king was a leper, and doctors had failed to cure him
* one day, a clever physician came to court and told him he could heal him without medicine
* he told the king to play polo
* then he said to bathe once striking the ball with the club and feel his body in a glow
* when he awoke the next morning, he was cured
7. The Story of the Parrot; The Story of the Ogress
* good man, beautiful wife
* brought a parrot home and asked wife to take care of it while he was away
* she told slaves to mess with the parrot
* killed the parrot, although he was telling the truth
8. The Story of the Physician's Revenge
* Greek king was weak, and not firm enough to keep resolution
* so he ordered one of his ministers to fetch the physician
* he asked him to spare his life
* the Greek king (the fisherman) had no mercy
9. The Story of the Sultan and the Fish
* the fisherman caught different types of fish, and took them to the Sultan
* the fisherman obeyed the genie exactly, and told the king where he got the fish
* the water was clear, and the Sultan went at night
10. The Story of the Young King of the Black Isles
* father was Mahmoud, kind of this country, the Black Isles
* father died when he was 66, and "I" married "my" cousin
* she was an enchantress, and she wounded a slave for a crime
* the enchantress changed the capital, and went back to the Palace of Tears
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