Week 4 Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part A

Story source: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 1-3.
Story source: The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg (1909)

The Creation
- God created man in his own image, and blessed them, telling them to "be fruitful and multiply"
- When God created man, he said it was "very good"
- God rested on the seventh day and blessed it
- The Lord formed man from the dust, and woman from the man's ribs
- He told them they could eat everything in the Garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil
The Fall

- the serpent told the woman that God couldn't have been serious, and that he doesn't want them eating of the tree because then they would know everything and be like God
- so the woman desired the tree and took a fruit and ate it, and her husband did as well
- immediately their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked
- they heard the Lord's voice and hid because they were fearful
- the Lord punished them and prophesied to the future of His redemption

The Ideal Man
- Adam came from God fully developed, around 20 years old; and he was huge "extraordinary size and physical perfections"
- "Eve was but as an ape compared with Adam"
- God revealed the history of man to Adam, including each generation's leaders, teachers, scholars, judges, members, etc.
- Adam gave up 70 of his years of his own accord
- his wisdom was advantageous in naming the animals
- he actually named himself, and chose it meaning "Adonai, Lord, because Thou art Lord over all creatures"

The Fall of Satan
- Satan was jealous of Adam, and this jealousy led to his fall
- Satan was the greatest angel in heaven, and questioned God
- he wanted to have a "trial of wit" with Adam
- God helped Adam win this trial of naming animals

- Adam broke into praise for the Lord when he opened his eyes for the first time
- the creatures around hi conceived him as their creator
- even the angels were about to salute him, but God caused him to sleep which allowed the angels to know he was just a human being
- Lilith was given to Adam as his wife
- but she vanished, and Adam complained to God

- "The creation of woman from man was possible because Adam originally had two faces, which were separated at the birth of Eve"
- woman has "all the faults God tried to obviate"
- discussed differences between the sexes in clothing and social forms
- God created a wife for Adam, but was repelled by her

- The Garden of Eden served as a place souls must past through after death
- Cave of Machpelah = under care of Adam
- gate of Paradise = guarded by cherubim and flaming sword
- Zebul = entrance of heaven
- tree of life and the tree of knowledge
- Adam did not have to work the land, but did have to follow 6 commandments

The Fall of Man
-  the serpent had some qualities that resembled man
- his mental gifts led to his envy and thus the fall of man
- he targeted Eve, and temped her to eat of the tree God had forbidden
- she saw the Angel of Death and made Adam eat the fruit as well

The Punishment
- God did not appear to Adam and Eve until they had covered their nakedness
- Adam's height was reduced after the fall
- they weren't afraid of God, but now they are
- God called a Sanhedrin of 71 angels to judgement 
- Eve's verdict = ten curses
- Adam's punishment = tenfold
- the earth and moon was punished as well
