Week 5 Story: The Beginning of High School

Updated Story on Portfolio!

 In the beginning, the beginning of the high school year that is, the best principal in the world decided that it was necessary to create some new clubs and build some new buildings on campus. She wanted her high school to be regarded as the best in the land, and she desired to outpace the growth of some newer schools. In order to do this, she gathered her best and brightest students and staff to help achieve this lofty goal. Their goal was to create a new club or idea for a building every day for a week. 

     She knew there needed to be change, and so they started brainstorming ways to create and build these new clubs and buildings. To make everyone's day brighter, they decided to create a Light Club. Their students got along well, but they knew they could bring more positivity, encouragement, and unity to the school as a whole. 

     When they met the next day, they decided they needed an Outside Care Club, to take care of the environment and keep the grounds looking nice and neat. The school has been entrusted with beautiful grounds and land, and they need to take care of it to preserve it for the next generation.

     On the third day, they decided they needed an Astronomy Club, to explore the night skies and learn more about the incredible universe. 

     On the fourth day, they decided they needed a Zoo Building, so the students could enhance their studies and see/observe the animals they were studying in class. 

     And finally, on the fifth day of the school week, the students and faculty decided that they needed a Nap Building, so students could rest and stay alert, both mentally and physically.

     At the end of this, they decided that the clubs they were starting and their building plans were sound, and that they would increase the prestige and appeal of the school. 

(Image Information: 7 Days of God's Creation Story by BibleMotivation)


Author's Note

    Rewriting the Creation Story, a well-known story from the Bible, poses some inherent difficulties, but it was also fun and a challenging creative exercise. Because it is so well-known, I did not want to retell it in too serious a manner. I choose to make it more modern, and focus on the creation of a new club and building on campus, rather than the creation of the world and man. This is a pretty significant change as it changes the scope of the magnitude of the story. While it is different in a lot of ways, I tried to keep some themes such as God created light, they made a Light Club, and things like that. 

Story source: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 1-3.


  1. Hi there Megan!
    I enjoyed the simplicity of your retelling of the creation story. I think that your version of the story was very easy to understand and not too heavy. Have you considered maybe adding more to your story? I am speaking in the sense of adding a little more meat to it. I feel that you have a good foundation, but I think you could do a lot with it since it is placed in a high school and so much always happens in high school. I would consider expanding more on this story and go into how all of these clubs create cohesion during the school year, or maybe one club decides to "rule" the school and the balance of the world or high school gets skewed because of that. I think that could be a fun little add on or revision that would add a little more interest or entertainment factor to your retelling of creation!

  2. Hi Megan, at first I couldn't tell exactly where the retelling was coming from and then all of a sudden with the types of clubs and counting of the days it hit me! This was so original and creative! I kept thinking how are they going to keep up with all of these things and how will they participate in so many clubs. I loved the astronomy and zoo building.


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