Wikipedia Trail ... From Tundra to Unified Code for Units of Measure (Week 4 Extra Credit)

    I was sitting with a friend when I started this assignment, and she told me to search "Tundra."

1. Tundra

(Image Information: Tundra in Greenland from Wikipedia)

    I'm not super into geographical features or anything like that, so it was interesting to read this Wikipedia page. Tundra comes from a Russian word, meaning "uplands." There are three different regions/types of tundra: Arctic tundra, alpine tundra, and Antarctic tundra. 

2. Northern Hemisphere

     We live in the Northern Hemisphere, which is the half of Earth that is north of the equator. Winter in the northern hemisphere lasts approximately from the December solstice to the March equinox. Summer usually lasts from the June solstice through to the September equinox.

3. Astronomical Years

     The Julian year, is exactly 365.25 days. It is a time unit that is the normal meaning of our unit "year." It is derived from the Latin annus, and if you express a time interval in Julian years, you can precisely specify how many days. 

4. Unified Code for Units of Measure

     The UCUM is a system of codes to unambiguously represent measurement units. It is used in machine-to-machine communication. The units are represented with reference to "a set of seven base units," which are: meter, second, gram, coulomb, kelvin, candela, and radian. 
