Microfiction: Writing Reading Reading Writing (Revision, Week 8 Extra Credit)


    Writing. Reading. Writing. Reading. The two go back and forth in my head. I wonder which I will do next. I can clearly see the time I have: three hours with nothing to do, just to be used for creative activities. With school and involvement, this is a nice respite. I have not read for pleasure in a while, but I have the urge to write right now. But then, a knock on the door. Who is it? What is it? Will this distract me from my task? I guess it may ... reading or writing, which one will it be? 



    Writing. Reading. Reading. Writing. The two go back and forth, back and forth. Being indecisive, I wonder which I'll do next. I clearly see the time I have: three empty hours with nothing to do, just to enjoy some creative pursuits. With school and involvement, this is a very nice respite. I haven't read for pleasure in a while, but I have the urge to write right now. But then, a knock on the door. Who is it? What is it? Will this distract me from my task? I guess it may ... reading or writing, which one will it be? 

(Image Information: Reading vs. Writing)


Author's Note

For this revision, I updated the title to have it reflect the first line. Additionally, I added some contractions so I could add more content to the story. I left the ending without much resolution, because I wanted it to have a curious tone. 


  1. Hi Megan,
    I love the ending of the story. I like to keep my ending open ended without much resolution as well. I feel like it leaves the readers with the choice of choosing their own ending or what they believe will happen next which I think is cool. I also like how you added contractions to add more content in the story. I also try to do the same when I write my 100 word stories. Overall, very interesting story. I enjoyed reading it very much.

  2. Hi Megan,
    You got me curious about the ending of your story. I like writing microfictions, i think it's a nice way to tell what's in your mind in form of a very short story. It requires a lot of thinking and your 100 words story is well thought. Contractions were well used to add more content in your story. I will probably use it on my next story. Overall, Good work! I can't wait to read more from your page.

  3. Hey Megan! I also am pleased when I get to read a microfiction. Although I don't choose to read or in my free time, you have definitely displayed this dilemma very well in such a short space. I was very impressed by your ability to pack so much into only 100 words. I liked how at the end the person didn't decide, and the battle between reading and writing was left undecided. Great job!


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