Story source: Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings by Joel Chandler Harris (1881).
1. Mr. Fox and the Deceitful Frogs
* Fox looked over the bank and saw his reflection in the water
* reached over to shake hands and fell in
* didn't drown though
2. Old Mr. Rabbit, He's a Good Fisherman
* Rabbit and Fox were always after another, but Rabbit got some peace
* Rabbit was tired, but didn't tell others because he didn't want to be called lazy
* sat in a bucket to take a nap, but then the bucket started to go down
* Fox always kept an eye on Rabbit, and sneaked after him
* Fox jumped in a basket, which pulled Rabbit up
3. Mr. Rabbit Meets His Match Again
* Rabbit tricked Buzzard out of his crop, and Buzzard took revenge
* because Buzzard was very upset
* Rabbit told Buzzard he had promised to divide fairly
* so Buzzard carried him back and Rabbit was weak in the knees for a month
4. A Story about the Little Rabbits
* Rabbit's children minded him all day
* they were good little Rabbits, and one day Fox dropped in and only saw the little Rabbits
* the littles were skittish and watched Fox
* he said he wanted the sugar tree
* the little Rabbits ran to the spring
5. Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear
* peanuts (African in origin, also "ground nut")
* Rabbit sand to his children, and when the peanuts began to ripen, Fox found that someone had been messing in his vines
* he suspected Rabbit, but Rabbit covered his tracks so Fox couldn't get him
* Rabbit came slipping through the cracks, and Rabbit said he was keeping crows out of Fox's pea patch
* Bear was then swinging in rabbit's place
6. Mr. Terrapin Shows his Strength
* Miss Meadows began a candy pulling and put molasses in the wash pot
* Bear helped Meadows bring wood; Fox minded the fire; Wolf kept the dogs off; Rabbit greased the plates; Terrapin climbed a chair to prevent molasses from boiling over
* Rabbit said he was swiftest, Fox sharpest, Wolf servigorous, Bear strongest
* Terrapin said he's the strongest and showed it by taking the rope
7. The Story of the Deluge
* Lion was king, and other animals were there and spoke speeches and cussed
* Elephant trampled Crawfish
* made the Crawfishes upset
* Unicorn disputed with the Lion, Hyena was laughing
8. Plantation Proverbs
* several different proverbs, hard to read the dialect
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